Brooklyn 9/25/2019
Four days before this performance the drummer of PAK (you know who) had disappeared, with no word until the morning of the performance. when the guitarist received a message that the missing drummer was being held under forced R and R with lodgings courtesy of a Nassau County police department.
After frantic phone calls and messages with friends, family and late in the day an attorney the guitar player finds out that it might be possible that the drummer can make it in time for the show. Later that evening with band setting up on stage and just a few minutes before the start time, (you know who) arrives direct from his previous Nassau lodgings and PAK opens their show with “Prophesies Of The Sybil”.
PAK wishes to thank all the other musicians who played that night: The trio of Sally Gates/Greg Fox/Shahzad Ismaily, Häßliche Luftmasken (special thanks to John Roulat for letting us use your drums) and head liners Couch Slut (thank you for your offer to exchange start times with us, you guys are just super cool).
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